Saturday 17 July 2010

Custom or customer?

I have had a pretty amazing week as far as beads and etsy is concerned.

I have sold 4 pieces this week - one of which was a custom piece for a lovely lady to wear to a wedding.

What do you think about commissions? I like them because it gives me a chance to work with colours and beads that I would not necessarily put together - and the more specific the customer is, the better really - after all .. the customer is always right!

On the other hand, you do worry that you have got things wrong! Last Saturday I made 3 necklaces and matching earrings for someone and I worried all week about them - until I got a note through the post thanking me for getting them just right!

I played around with my olive and green treasury this week, and one of the featured artists was Sand Fibers aka Carol Dean Sharpe. She writes an interesting blog and is a truly skilled, gifted and generous person .. she referred to her Treasury mention and featured me on her blog this week - and picked out my Miss Heliotrope oglala bracelet cuff. Thank you Carol Dean.

If you want to learn more about Sand Fibers, you can do so here:

In the UK not many people have heard of Etsy, and I am sure that having the prices in US$ scares some visitors away. Having said that, there are quite a considerable number of UK artists with Etsy shops, judging by the forums I have read. this week I think there are a dozen or so in Buckinghamshire alone!

I have struggled all week trying to create a new banner for my etsy shop shop/PrettyThingsFromWing

and am still not sure I got it right, but I found a really helpful site and am more pleased than I was before.

1 comment:

  1. I think a lot of UK crafters use Folksy. I just don't like the name!
